Saturday, April 25, 2020

COVID -19 and the Immune System By Arlyn Valencia, MD ( Board Certified Neurologist)

SARS CoV 2’s mortality and morbidity is heavily influenced by an individual’s immune system integrity. It is a disease of immune system gone awry. An immune system that has been challenged by chronic diseases ( such as hypertension, obesity), unhealthy living conditions, high levels of daily stress,  inability to recover from illnesses or stressful situations because of the demands of job, and other responsibilities and limited access to health care and good food. And of course, genetics has a role because bad or good immune system and propensity to develop medical conditions have genetic basis. New information and data are coming out to the surface, AND old information and data are revisited. THIS COUNTRY , of course as well as others, need to reorganize its priorities. US has the capacity to spend so much on trivial things, projects that benefit only a few, bailing out top corporations, lavishing the lifestyle of politicians BUT it can’t afford to better the delivery of health care and and health education especially to people that need them so badly.

Those of us, who know something about this disease and its FACTS should disseminate useful information and help others about the value of a good immune system. Let’s all be equipped and ready for when another COVID storm hits us, our bodies may be able to weather it with the help of better treatment to kill the virus and prevent its catastrophic cascade of havoc in the body. So far, COVID -19 is THE Katrina of the coronas. -  Arlyn Valencia, M.D. Diplomate American Board Of Psychiatry And Neurology

( The following article is well written and very informative. I highly recommend it).